An Amazing Documentary Film About Street Photographer Vivian Maier

We are glad to share this amazing Documentary Film shot by “BBC Imagine” about American Street Photographer Vivian Maier. Vivian Dorothy Maier (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009) was an American street photographer. Maier worked for about forty years as a nanny, mostly in Chicago’s North Shore, pursuing photography…

Dialogues: Street Photography Series By Cristóbal Carretero Cassinello

They are seemingly unconnected stories, spontaneous encounters, shapes, colors and capricious textures, which play, talk and intertwine, showing us a new and subjective perspective of a whole. A third plane generated by our visual perception, which tells us scenes with our own identity, our lives, our cities and, ultimately, ourselves.…

An Inspiration Talk By Master Photographer Nick Brandt About His Photography Journey

In this video Master photographer Nick Brandt talking about his photography journey. I am greatly inspired the words and the work they featured in this video. Check it and inspire yourself. Nick Brandt was born in 1964 who photographs exclusively in the African continent, one of his goals being to…

Photography Tutorials For Beginners: How To Shoot Silhouettes in the Midday Sun

In this photography video tutorial, photographer Gavin Hoey explained how to take Silhouette photos in the midday sun. He greatly explained how to adjust contrast, exposure and add smoke on that picture to take next level. He also explained, how to edit the photo in Photoshop after shooting done. Please…

Zofia Rydet – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Zofia Rydet (1911–1997) was a Polish photographer, best known for her project “Sociological Record”, which aimed to document every household in Poland. She began working on “Sociological Record” in 1978 at the age of 67, and took nearly 20,000 pictures until her death in 1997. Many of the pictures remain…

Couple Wants To Take Their Engagement Photoshoot in -3°C And The Photos Are Stunning

Josh Morris and Morgan Daye, a couple from Tennessee, want to take their engagement photo shoot in front of Bald River Falls. Once they planned to shoot with Photographer Kellie Elmore the falls were freezing (25°F or -3°C). But they turned out entire shoot with stunning photographs. Please read entire…

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