Canadian Photographer Jess Bell Captured Artistic Images Of Animals In Action

Jess Bell is a Canadian photographer and animal lover. Jess is very passionate about Animal photography and he recently organized a photo shoot with his friend’s dogs and pups. He wants to try artistic images of animals in action, the results are bright, crisp and dynamic! These photos are turning…

7 Useful Tips For Architecture Photography You Should Try Today

The COOPH team headed out with the new Leica CL to test some useful hints and tips for architecture photography. Architectural photography is both aesthetically pleasing and an accurate representation of the subject, therefore unlike other fields of photography, considerable time can be spent scouting a scene or environment. In…

Photography In A Time Of Expanding Identities – How I Use Fine Art Photography To Explore My Gender Identity

We experience reality through stories – stories of who we are, the meaning of life and our role here. These stories come from the cultures, families, and society we are born into and become the lens through which we see the world and, ultimately, how we learn to be in…

A Long Journey Through Nothing New: Photo Series By Gianluca Morini

I started this project in 2017, drawn to develop its embryonic form by a personal necessity. I wanted to re-evaluate the place where I was born and raised, explore it and especially capture it, with special attention being paid to industrialization’s marks on the territory. I find particularly fascinating how…

How To Capture Night Photography: Step By Step Guide

Here we are introducing a new Ebook for Night Photography from Digital Photography School. Everyone is looking to make their photography stand out. It is hard to do if you are photographing during the day like everyone else. But you can do just that by learning to photograph at night.…

Master Photographer Bruce Weber Talking About His Photography Journey

Bruce Weber is an American Fashion Photographer born on March 29, 1946, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Bruce also a Film Maker, you can see some of his shots in this video interview. With his spontaneous, sensuous and aesthetics, the photographer and director have influenced the history of fashion itself. His fashion…

24 Great Photography Deals You Don’t Want To Miss

Here are the Digital Photography School photography holiday deals. DPS offering 24 great deals those ends on 1st of January 2019 (PST). You can view all deals here, or go straight to the ones you want below. All prices in USD: Living Landscapes Photo Magic Portraits: Making the Shot Photo…

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