My Personal Best: Taiwanese Street Photographer Ethan Chiang

My Personal Best: Taiwanese Street Photographer Ethan Chiang

My name is Ethan Chiang. I am an Overseas Taiwanese born and raised in Seoul, Korea, currently based in Taipei, Taiwan with my family. Photography came to me naturally since my dad loves taking photos. The cameras were hanging on his shoulders and neck all the time as I could…

After Earth: Haunting Coastline Landscapes By Rachael Talibart

After Earth: Haunting Coastline Landscapes By Rachael Talibart

In this series, I wanted to capture a haunting yet strangely beguiling vision of coastlines deserted by humanity, apart from a few relics left behind. Wild, vast and empty, in these places Nature has all the agency and humans, despite all our ingenuity and aspirations, are long since forgotten. About…

Planning The Ultimate Photography Road Trip In Alaska

Planning The Ultimate Photography Road Trip In Alaska

Although a true photographer will be able to capture striking photographs anywhere on Earth, there are a few destinations that have all the makings of a photographic paradise. Alaska, with its majestic mountains, imposing glaciers, unblemished natural parks and prolific wildlife, is one such destination. Although it’s possible to fly…

Inner Landscape: Geography Of The Soul By Isabella Conti

Inner Landscape: Geography Of The Soul By Isabella Conti

A personal project about landscape as the reflection on the world of each individual: a vision, linked to existence, memories and emotions connected to a landscape. You can find Isabella Conti on the Web: Website Instagram Facebook Behance Copyrights: All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Isabella Conti. Their reproduction, even…

30 Most Inspiring Color Street Photographs Of This Season

30 Most Inspiring Color Street Photographs Of This Season

Here are one more amazing set of color street photographs which are amazing in framing and composition. Street Photography may have been attacked on appreciated from all directions and one would easily come to a conclusion that the length and breadth of this genre has been all but covered, but…

WildArt Photographer Of The Year: Winners Of EYES Competition

WildArt Photographer Of The Year: Winners Of EYES Competition

Here are the winners of the WildArt Photo contest in the theme of “Eyes”. WildArt Photographer of the Year is a new wildlife photography competition with a difference. Designed by wildlife photographers, for wildlife photographers and judged solely by wildlife photographers, it features 10 themed category contests run over the…

25 Inspiring Photography Quotes From Master Photographer Alex Webb

25 Inspiring Photography Quotes From Master Photographer Alex Webb

Here are 25 inspiring photography quotes from master photographer Alex Webb. Alex Webb is a photographer known for his vibrant and complex color photographs. He has been a member of Magnum Photos since 1979. He’s authored 16 books, including Hot Light/Half-Made Worlds, Under a Grudging Sun and more. He has…

Namibia, Full Of Life: Beautiful Desert Photography By Tobias Hagggg

Namibia, Full Of Life: Beautiful Desert Photography By Tobias Hägg

Namibia, Full Of Life: Beautiful Desert Photography By Tobias Hägg. I was exhilarated the first time in the Namib, joining a helicopter above the large area of desert. Fascinated by that smooth, monochrome scenery in front of me. I witnessed large sand dunes growing from the ground and observed the…

Imaginary Tiny Worlds From Everyday Objects: Miniature Photography By Peter Csakvari

Imaginary Tiny Worlds From Everyday Objects: Miniature Photography By Péter Csákvári

I’ve spent 5 years creating this project called “Tiny Wasteland”. The series feature miniature figures placed next to everyday objects in order to create the illusion of microscopic worlds. I’m actually a food photographer so the whole idea came from there. I made about 200 pictures already from this tiny…

Photographer Julian Rad Beautifully Captured When The Animals Are Alone And At Peace

Photographer Julian Rad Beautifully Captured When The Animals Are Alone And At Peace

Julian Rad is a 29-year-old Austrian award-winning wildlife photographer who captures the most adorable shots of squirrels, rabbits, wood mice, hamsters and other small animals in their natural habitat. I came across Julian’s work on Instagram, where he has already over 100,000 followers. It’s easy to miss the magical moments…

Best Entries So Far From Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

Best Entries So Far From Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

Here are the 11 best entries of Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021. Now in its seventh year, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards has already received thousands of entries from around the world – catching some of wildlife’s funniest moments on camera. This year, the competition organizers are releasing some of…

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