Tag : Himalayas

Indian Landscape Photography by Tanay Das

Indian Photographer Tanay Das Captures the Essence of Nature in Stunning Landscapes

Indian photographer Tanay Das has carved a niche for himself in the world of landscape photography, capturing the breathtaking beauty of nature in its purest form. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene landscapes of Sikkim and Jammu, Das’s work transcends traditional photography, blending technical expertise with…

A Journey Through Himalayas by Ravikumar Jambunathan

A Journey Through Himalayas by Ravikumar Jambunathan

Life is not meant to be stagnant, it moves on through our experiences and memories. How enriched one life depends on how profound their experiences and memories are. There are many ways to experience life, one among them is Travelling, undeniably. To me, traveling through the Himalayan landscape and villages…

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